How a Trial Lawyer Uses AgoraPulse to Save Time, Build His Online Brand, and Bring in New Cases

I’m a big fan of AgoraPulse. I also happen to be the trial lawyer mentioned in the title to this post. If you follow me on social, this shouldn’t be a big surprise. I’m a fan– a big fan 😉

My buddy, Mike Allton, turned me on to AgoraPulse. It’s allowed me to market my firm and build my brand easily and conveniently. This powerful platform not only saves my team and I an enormous amount of time, but AgoraPulse also works while I’m in court, paddleboarding out of Dana Point Harbor, or sound asleep in the middle of the night. It’s my 24/7 perpetual marketing and relationship building tool that’s quickly becoming a favorite and essential asset in the firm.

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Social Media Has Changed How I Do Business and Try My Cases.

Attention spans and consumer expectations have changed drastically because of social media. Being successful in your practice and, inside the courtroom as a trial lawyer, requires you to understand, embrace, and harness these changes to make an impact with your audience and empower them to give you the result your client is looking for.

I shared a few thoughts about this and, the misguided mantra about “failing often and failing fast” that you can watch by clicking here. 

This is a clip from last month’s live video and podcast interview with lawyer and social media expert, Brad Friedman.