Who Holds Title to Your Social Media and Digital Accounts?

If you’re doing business online, then I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that you’re making this BIG mistake…

Hopefully, you’re doing business online as a corporation or LLC. That’s a good thing.

But let me ask you this question: Are 100% of your business assets in the name of your corporation or LLC?

Is the title to each of your SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS and DIGITAL PLATFORMS in the name of your company or, in your individual name?

Because you NEVER want to commingle personal assets with your business, this can be a HUGE problem. In less than three minutes I show you exactly what you need to do.


For a good article about piercing the corporate veil, read, “Piercing the Corporate Veil: When LLCs and Corporations May be at Risk”

Author: Mitch Jackson

I'm a California trial lawyer trying to fix the world one client, cause, and digital interaction at a time.

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