The “Online Business Show” (My New YouTube Show!)


Before social media and digital, the typical small business owner was sued an average of 3 times during his or her lifetime. According to Forbes, between 36%-53% of all small businesses are involved in litigation during any given year, and 90% of all businesses are engaged in litigation at any given time. Because it’s never been easier, faster, and inexpensive to start a new business, I believe these numbers are only going to get bigger.

This is why I decided to take my experience surrounding 33 years of practicing law, starting and building my own law firm and other successful businesses, and helping hundreds of clients start their business, and share answers to your questions. My goal is to take you by the hand and help you avoid becoming one of these statistics.

My new YouTube show shares weekly online “how to” business tips from some of the top experts on the planet. During our conversations, I also share my thoughts and expertise to clarify issues and answer your online business questions. The goal of each episode is to keep you safe and give you all the tools you need to make your online business successful.

You can watch my weekly show right here on YouTube OnlineBusiness.Show.

To avoid missing any episodes, guests, and tips, make sure to become part of our community by “subscribing” to the show on YouTube. Once done, click “Alerts” (ring the bell) next to the “Subscribed” button so you don’t miss anything!

Also feel free to get updates and more via private text and email (about  3-5 times a month). Yes, I promise not to waste your time and also to respect your privacy.

By Text: Send the keyword “Mitch” to 33222

By Email: Get on my private email update list by clicking here.

If you’d like to help me share the new show, the best link is http://OnlineBusiness.Show

Thanks everyone!
