A Real-World Guide to the Metaverse for Professionals and Business Owners

A picture of Mitch's Metaverse space on Spacial.io

The Metaverse is evolving into a sophisticated and accepted environment. New expressions and experiences in business, culture and communications are quickly changing in a high-speed Internet and 5G wireless world.
[Listen to the podcast version of this post here]

Human acceptance of this new digital frontier has been accelerated by working remotely in an upside-down COVID19 world. Facebook’s $10B investment in Metaverse research along with its name change to Meta sets the tone for everything that’s coming. Humanity’s expanding need to connect, communicate and do business with each other around the world is simply fuel on the fire.

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HAPPY HOLIDAYS- Win an Oculus Quest 2 Headset!

I’m excited about the impact that the Metaverse, Web3, and VR are having on the world. I feel so strongly about the upside of this technology that I’m doing all I can to get as many friends and clients as possible involved as early adopters.

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