When you’re harmed because of the wrongful conduct of others, you incur large medical bills, loss of wages and other damages. Your life is turned upside down. Dealing with experienced and aggressive insurance company claims adjusters can make you feel like you’re taking on the biggest and meanest dinosaur that has ever walked the planet.

That’s where we come in. We focus our practice on helping catastrophic injury and wrongful death clients like you to make sure you receive full compensation from the responsible party. We make sure all the bills are paid and that you receive full compensation for your pain and suffering. By the time we’re done, we turn the insurance company dinosaurs into harmless puppies.

Our clients are the people who are struck by careless drivers of cars and trucks and who need one of the most experienced law firms in Southern California. Our clients are people just like you.

Because of the reputation we’ve built over the last 34 years, clients know they can trust us. They know we’re the lawyers who tame dinosaurs. And now you do too.

We’re here if you need us.

Mitch and Lisa
Jackson & Wilson, Inc.

#lawyer #attorney

Rabbits, Lions, Lawyers, and Insurance Companies

This is a lion licking its lips.

Trying to handle your personal injury or family’s wrongful death case without an experienced lawyer in your corner is like putting a baby rabbit into a cage with a hungry mountain lion. The outcome is predictable, and you wouldn’t want to be the rabbit.

Insurance is Big Business

Insurance companies are in business to make lots of money. Each year they earn billions of dollars in profits. Their claims adjusters earn substantial end-of-year bonuses to minimize what they pay out in claims and maximize how much money they help the company make in profits.

Many consumers do not know is that claims adjusters are highly trained professionals. Despite what they tell you or how they sound over the phone, many believe that it’s their job is to do what’s best for their company, not what’s best for you. They believe it’s their job to pay out as little money as legally possible on your claim.

As with any profession, you get the good with the bad. Just like lions, some are kind, while others are man eaters. The challenging part is figuring out which one is which.

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