Our New Jackson & Wilson Website

Many of you know me only as the “Streaming Lawyer.”

What you may not know is that for the past 32 years, I’ve been one of the Senior Partners of a California litigation and trial lawyer law firm that I started back in 1986 called “Jackson & Wilson, Inc.”

This past weekend we updated our law firm website with the help of Scorpion (full disclosure, I’m a brand ambassador for the company). We happen to think the new site is fantastic and would enjoy your feedback and suggestions. When you have a couple of minutes, please click here to take a look.



Two things you must do BEFORE and AFTER hiring a lawyer

After 32 years of trying cases, representing thousands of clients, litigating against hundreds of defense attorneys, and appearing in front of hundreds of judges, here are the two most important things I believe you need to do BEFORE and AFTER hiring a lawyer. Please share if you think this adds value. Thank you!

Who Holds Title to Your Social Media and Digital Accounts?

If you’re doing business online, then I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that you’re making this BIG mistake…

Hopefully, you’re doing business online as a corporation or LLC. That’s a good thing.

But let me ask you this question: Are 100% of your business assets in the name of your corporation or LLC?

Is the title to each of your SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS and DIGITAL PLATFORMS in the name of your company or, in your individual name?

Because you NEVER want to commingle personal assets with your business, this can be a HUGE problem. In less than three minutes I show you exactly what you need to do.


For a good article about piercing the corporate veil, read, “Piercing the Corporate Veil: When LLCs and Corporations May be at Risk”

Sexual Harassment on Social Media and the #MeToo Movement

Over the past three years, I’ve had about a dozen people reach out to me about being sexually harassed relating to their social media businesses and platforms. With more and more brave victims coming out to share their #metoo experience, I thought this post needed to get written.

Social media conference attendees have contacted me about after hours “one on one” business meetings turning into sexual assaults. Two spouses have reached out for help in protecting their rights after finding out their husbands went “Weinstein” at a conference. On the other side of the coin, I’ve also had multiple people reach out who were wrongfully accused of sexual harassment and assault at social media conferences.

While names like Weinstein, Franken, Moore, Trump, Louis C.K., Ratner, and Spacey (just to mention a few), are what most people hear each night on the evening news, I believe we have similar problems in our social media communities. Although I haven’t heard about anyone I know on social media being banned from the local mall, I am seeing some bad dudes doing bad things to women. I have a feeling you have too.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a big deal. I also think it’s a problem for many people doing business on social media. Although the offline laws do not apply in the same way to this online misconduct, I don’t think it’s difficult to notice the similarities in the end result. Because I’ve always thought that conversation is good, I want to start a conversation and encourage more dialog with you about sexual harassment on our social media business platforms.

One more thing. Almost all of the incoming calls I get concerning sexual harassment involve female victims. As such, I’m writing this post with them in mind. Please keep in mind that I understand that anyone can become a victim when it comes to sexual harassment.

Also, please note that while I am a California lawyer, I’m not your lawyer. No legal advice is being given in this post. What I am trying to do is give you something to think about. I want to give you some ideas and tools to be part of the solution and to help fix this problem.

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