New Recommendation from Tyler Anderson, CEO of Casual Fridays

Thank you for the kind words my friend.

“Mitch Jackson is hands down one of my favorite people in the industry. I first met Mitch in 2014 when he attended my event Social Media Day San Diego. I knew Mitch from afar and had always respected his approach and expertise in the digital space. Since then, we’ve developed a solid friendship, and I consider him one of the most respected thought-leaders in our industry. So much so, Mitch is one of the people I turn to speak at my events on digital marketing, strategy, and of course, anything legal with digital marketing.” -Tyler Anderson

Tyler Anderson is the founder and chief strategy officer of Casual Fridays, a leading digital & social media marketing agency trusted by some of the biggest brands in the hospitality, tourism, non-profit, education, and entertainment industries.

More social media/digital recommendations here and LegalMinds mastermind member testimonials here. To see traditional client and lawyer recommendations here. Thanks!

My Secret To Connecting in Today’s World

Want to be a better trial lawyer? Interested in building deeper and more meaningful relationships in business and life? Want to make the most of each day and enjoy the journey?  Listen to this interview.

Fred Moss interviews Mitch Jackson about law and life

You can also listen and share here.

JASON FRIED (CEO of Basecamp and the New Email Platform HEY.COM)

Say hello to Jason Fried, Co-Founder and CEO of Basecamp and the brand new HEY email platform and service.

Basecamp is an all-in-one toolkit for working remotely with millions of users and thousands of new users signing up weekly. is the new email platform that’s changing how email is looked at, handled, and experienced.

Jason is also co-author of Getting Real, REWORK, Remote, and “It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work” (click here to view on Amazon). If you’re looking for a better way to build and run your company, tap into how Jason is going about the entire process. We run our firm in a similar fashion and it’s the best decision we’ve made since opening up shop back in 1986 😉

Grab a beverage of your choice, bring your questions, and say hello to Jason Fried!


Watch live (and recorded) on all the top platforms. It’s probably best if you start here at my “HackingLegal/Social/Life” shows.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Data Privacy Issues

Between January and September 2019, it’s reported that there were over 7.9 billion data records exposed — a 33% increase from the same time in 2018. In the first quarter of 2020, the number of exposed privacy records were at an increase of 273% over last year.

In 2020 along, there have been dozens of massive reported data breaches including:

MGM Resorts: In July, 2020: Researchers found 142 million personal records from former guests at the MGM Resorts hotels for sale on the Dark Web…

Continue reading “California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)”

Pete Salsich- IP Lawyer and Musician

Not only is Pete a talented musician, he also happens to be a gifted lawyer helping clients create and protect intellectual property, particularly in the media, technology and entertainment industries. Connect with Pete here.

Stop by today, say hi, and help me encourage Pete to play a song or two 😉

Watch the recorded live video show on Facebook, Twitter, Periscope, LinkedIn and Youtube.

More past and upcoming live video shows here at “HackingLegal” “HackingSocial” and “HackingLife” 😉