Take a Close Look at Spatial and Facebook/Oculus Workrooms

The two metaverse spaces I’m “all in” on are Spatial.io and Facebook/Oculus Workrooms. Both are game changers.

Please do not let this technology pass by you. In my opinion, this technology is to the metaverse and web3 what the early web browsers were to the Internet. Learn it, embrace it and have fun with it. Do this now and you’ll thank me towards the end of 2022 or 2023 when everyone else is trying to figure this stuff out in order to stay relevant and in business.

If you want to play around with either of these two platforms, ping me and I’ll answer your questions. We can even jump into a private room and kick the tires together. I’ll walk you through what I’ve learned and have figured out with the help of top experts. Remember, it’s not really about just being on the platform, it’s about how you use it. #excited